The Curious Case of Mary Ann, Book 2

by Jenn Thorson

Narrated by: Emily Lawrence

Production by: Waterhouse Press

Highly Entertaining and Delightful!

A former housemaid for the White Rabbit, Mary Ann Carpenter left to seek a different career path. She chose to be a knight’s sword. However, as with all things in the world of the proverbial “Rabbit Hole”, things went awry. It began with the attempted abduction of one of the Tweedle brothers, a frightening yet mythic crow reportedly being the culprit, and a myriad of other mysterious things starting to happen. Instead of being a Knight’s Sword, she is assigned to be a private eye by none other than the Red Queen! Thus, a fun and delightful mystery ensues.

The author, Jenn Thorson, draws upon the well-known classic, Alice in Wonderland to weave a magical story that is not connected to Alice at all! Rather the location and magical and mysterious creatures including the Cheshire Cat, The White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee & Dum, and more. Thorson grows the characters through rich descriptions and actions adding more depth to their personalities. The storyline flows smoothly with no plot issues and has a few unexpected plot twists! Not just a fantasy, it has a bit of a romantic twinge to it as well. I enjoyed how the Red Queen was made more tolerable in this storyline.

The narrator, Emily Lawrence provides a rich and entertaining listen as she uses her talents to bring each character to life. Her pauses, delivery, and expression enhance the story. Very well done.

I highly recommend this book as it adds to the characters and a place we all know and love from our childhood but with added twists and mystery.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.